Maka and Soul go on a mission in Italy. After a run-in with the Materazzi, the two successfully defeat and acquire the soul of Sonson J. After a brief conversation with Soul, Maka detects an unusual soul within a church and decides to investigate, believing it to be another Meister and Weapon. She detects the souls of the Materazzi, but to her shock, all of their souls disappear in an instant, as if they have been devoured. The two ride to the church on Soul's motorbike, and enter the building.
The two do encounter a Meister and Weapon: Crona and his/her Weapon partner that shares a symbiotic relationship with him/her, Ragnarok. It is revealed that they had killed all the people present, and they then proceed to attack Maka and Soul. Maka and Soul put up a good fight but are overpowered due to the abilities of Crona's Black Blood. Maka worries about Soul as she realizes that Crona can hurt him, even in Weapon form. However, Soul tells her to keep using him, as he is prepared to die for his Meister. However, Maka is cornered, and is reluctant to use Soul to block one of Crona's blows. Soul transforms into human form and shields her from the blow, acquiring a large scar across his chest. Maka, deeply upset over Soul's sacrifice, refuses to leave him behind as he tells her to escape before losing consciousness. However, the two are saved by Spirit and Stein. Stein assures that he will do what he can to save Soul before fighting Crona and Ragnarok. Maka watches the two battle and eventually they are successful in defeating Crona and Ragnarok, but the sudden appearance of a Witch, Medusa, allows Crona to escape.
Maka, deeply worried about Soul, waits for Stein to finish operating on him outside the dispensary back at Shibusen. When Stein allows her to see him, she tearfully stands at his bedside, promising Soul to become stronger in order to not let him get hurt again. Black Star and Tsubaki then enter to comfort her. Black Star tries to wake Soul up (rather violently), prompting Maka to give him a Maka Chop. They are soon also met by Medusa (who is disguised as the school nurse) with Spirit who tries to flirt with her (Maka also gives him a Maka Chop). Medusa cheers Maka up by telling her that she will definitely become stronger. Unbeknownst to Maka, Soul's bloodstream is invaded by Black Blood during the fight against Crona and Ragnarok.
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