SM City Bacolod recently held another cosplay competition, Oct.10,2010. It was another great experience for me and my co-Hitsuzen family. I cosplayed one of the characters from a console game. Primera Mac cosplayed Athrun Zala, Von as Pein, Romel as Justin Law, Razel as Shinku from Rozen Maiden, Vench as Hibari/ Ryuji (lmao) and Elle (though late) cosplayed Sumire from Tora Dora. We have Kai as Ciel (what-an-epic-costume), Jhayme as Naruto, M as ______ (vusual kei guy), Sai as lovely aristoratic maid, Yumi as Manager on Duty, Pollen as Nurse Photographer and Shiela as Honne *fanboy screams*. I encouraged my step-sisters and one of my cousins to join as well in the competition, it's a good thing that same hobby runs in the family.I'm thankful my ever supportive mom was there too! :) yay! Love you mommy!

I'm grateful to meet other cosplay friends again! Weee ~ *glomps*
I won 2nd place for best cosplay, thanks SM for the gift pass and freebies like tickets and stuffs. :) Awesome

I would like to congratulate Hitsuzen VIP Sheila G. for winning the first place. 10k = new PS!. Neat. (free food!!!!)
For those who have entered the Top 6, congratulations! specially to co-Hitsuzen Kai and M! :)

Congratulations as well to Joe Sutcliffe and Julz Cristobal for both winning a slot in photoblogging!
To our friend Micah Angela (HAHA) from Jugatsu team, congratulations for winning the best masked cosplayer and also landed a slot for the top 6 cosplayers.

Another victory for the team! :) I love you guysssss as always. It has been a year of cosplaying together and more years to come!. It's such a blessing to meet and have you guys. Now, our family is getting bigger, and we're doing better and bolder. Let's celebrate good times guys! ♥
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