Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Small World of Otaku Collectors

We all know that we are one big family in this Otaku World we live in of Anime, Manga, Figures and Cards. I know we all talk to one another on Twitter, via our Blogs and on collecting sites. It is great to have so many of us that like the same things all around the world.

For me however, it became a bit more surreal. I blogged about a recent trade I was doing on a post not too long ago. I had been contacted by a fellow collector named Trent. He was inquiring about my Queen's Blade cards and wanted to trade. I have done this before and thought nothing of it and we worked out a deal. He had some Ghost in the Shell Clear cards that I needed for my Amada series.

He also happens to live in Australia. Which again would not mean much, except he lives in Brisbane. If you not much of a news watcher, then check this link for the Queensland Flood from the news.com.au site.

If you want to see the reality of it from his point of view (thanks to a friend), this picture is about 500m from where he lives near the CBD (Central Business District) of Brisbane.

Now he is currently not at home, but is in South Australia with some of his collection. It looks like the small trade, may become a purchase of the collection depending on how things look in 5 days. Usually I would be happy about a sale like this, but when it comes because of a tragedy, it looses its luster.

Trent, know that I am (we are) hoping everything is alright for you

As a side note ~ he is also looking for the Resident Evil 2 Chromium Card series.


For us Nature Photographers, these are some interesting shots. It goes to show that we do everything we can to stay dry and help others - thanks Trent!

This link is even more intriguing as Nature will help its own as well > MSN

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