I am sorry for being off the grid for so long. I just got everything built yesterday and am almost ready to setup shop. I had my router take a crap, so I am sharing our Cable line between me and my wife - LOL.
I wanted to give you a look at our "office" as it is almost done. I need to get my wife's books back from my Dad's so she has something to put up on her book shelves. I need to get some stuff to hang on the walls.

My co-workers did make that poster using my face from the blog for the Manga Messiah. Not sure why they picked that one as I am not that very religious. I have to get some stickers for my Desktop case so I am not looking at a black wall. I also have to go to my Dad's and get my figures out of a couple boxes to fill up my case as well. Poor Risty is so alone in there.
My Desk

The good news is that there is a Borders close by and I can get my Manga from there. I just got done reading
Ninja Girls 2 and am enjoying it. It is your classic lonely outcast male character is befriended by several "girl" friends, but is too recluse to really get close to any of them - but with Ninja's. Got some nice scenes of the girls fighting and some funny parts especially by his Mom's
Ihai. Has anyone else looked at this?
Well I hope to have more later on as time gets more user friendly for me. I will be looking for a job full blast starting next week. Hope I don't end up as a Walmart Greeter - LMAO!
BTW - thanks to everyone who left me comments to say they were glad to hear everything was fine and wanted me to begin posting soon. I was cool to know that I have so many friends in the blog-o-sphere!
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