Sunday, October 25, 2009

gaga for gaga: step 6

Michael Levine
Downtown LA

Short post on the progress of my costume as I spent most of today running around scrambling to find fishnets. Not a good idea to buy them the week prior to Halloween, as I went to 4 different Victoria's Secrets, a few Nordstroms and 1 Bloomingdales. I ended up buying 3 pairs, as I didn't think the holes in the net were that of a regular fishnet but not as wide as an open net. Also, the nylons don't look black-black, more like a dark brown.

I stopped by Michael Levine again this morning to pick up grommets and 2 more strips of boning that I forgot to buy last time. (the back of her ensemble is a lace-up back)

Self bias binding (for the skirt hem)

Remember my trials with horsehair and boning? I solved the issue of "molding" the skirt into the shape I wanted with this purple wire from my last post. And remember the electrical tape? I used it to finish off the cut edges of the wire. You can also use wax but I didn't want to buy wax simply for this purpose...

Tomorrow you will find out what I intend to do with this foil tissue and cardstock...

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