Wednesday, October 21, 2009

gaga for gaga: step 5

At the beginning of October, I thought I had a lot of time to work on my costume. I now only have 10 days!!!

If I didn't have a full-time job I would be done already but such is life and I have to pay bills, be able to buy designer shoes, eat, etc, anyhow I'm not whining about my shortage of time...

All the pieces have been sewn but need to be assembled. I actually messed up on the skirt so I had to rip all the seams out :( Sewing is fast but screwing up and then fixing your errors is very time-consuming...

I just have to finish sewing by Friday so I can start w/ the silver squares and making my mask...

In case you're just catching up with my process, I've linked all my progress posts below:

Sewing the lining and self together...

YAY seams match!

Bust line

More Home Depot than haute couture: foil tissue, wire cutters, purple deco-wire,
electrical tape, black 1/8" thick board

Here we go...

Lady Gaga

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