Saturday, October 31, 2009

gaga for gaga: final days

Well, this costume did take a lot more out of me than I thought... I woke up with an eye infection yesterday and had to sleep for most of the day, skipping out on work and such... :(

Anyhow I did manage to finish my costume... I leave you here with some teasers...


Using the good old glue gun again.

Unfortunately the glue gun also leaves a bunch of scraggly residue that must be picked off.

Silent Hill 2: Pyramid Head

The existence of Pyramid Head is tied directly to the subconscious of the game’s protagonist, James Sutherland. These creatures represent the both the punisher and victim of the crime, in this case, James’ repressed anger and desire to be punished for the death of his wife. They also function as the executioner of Maria and the tormentor of James.

silent hill 2 cosplay - pyramid head

From what I researched about this character, it’s not exactly something my Sanriotown Readers might like to hear. It’s not even something I like to hear, so I had to tone down the character history a bit. Really nice shot though, and I didn’t notice he was in a parking lot until I took a second look. Great work!

Friday, October 30, 2009

gaga for gaga step 8

Well, we're winding down to the last days and it's time for me to add the finishing touches.

Saturday is the big day! Who else is as psyched as I am????

Hot cocoa with mini marshmallows has been helping me get through this...

Cutting the centerpiece, I used a thick black board (not poster board), then covered it in lame fabric. The lines are drawn simply by permanent marker...

I also used lame fabric for the center front portion between where the "skirt" is.

Putting in the boning...

The dress is stitched together but I have to run and buy another zipper foot later today (it's 2:26am right now :( ) to fix my center back.

The rest of the wiring must go into the skirt as well...

And the silver squares shall go on tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Taking a Break - Family Time

I will be leaving for a trip up North to see my family for a week. Need to get ready for the cold weather as well. Spent about $60 on getting some long sleeve shirts and such. Not sure it will be snowing, but I hope not as I have to fly into a couple cities before getting to my final destination.

I hope to be back to normal blogging by the end of next week - not sure as might be exhausted from visiting my family. I am hoping that I will even have some pics for ya!

Here are some lovely winter pics for your enjoyment while I fly out this morning:

Yeah well...

Ok so maybe I haven't gotten a lot done game wise lately, life at home has been nuttier than a Cornetto D:.

Dad just getting home from his back surgery and the fact we've got a house inspection this Friday is doing my head in.

So I've stuck to drawing my comic in my free time because it doesn't require a computer.

But I have done some stuff, such as spriting McDonalds, finishing the recolour of Ruby's stand pose, and drawing and colouring her face set.

The McDonalds is for the new airport scene. With how much I'm going over and redoing for the next demo release, the entire thing is probably going to be different o_O.

I have changed just about every scene- and redone a lot (I mean A LOT) of the maps, including Kumo's house, which has been re-evented as well. The short, rushed airplane scene will be replaced by an entire new level consisting of the use of Levi and his Revolver to liberate the plane from a bunch of terrorists. Kumo doesn't join in because a. he has no weapon and b. he's got motion sickness.

Also, the characters do not change into their cosplays until they reach Tokyo and stay overnight in a hotel. They then try to catch a taxi, but it rips them off and they end up in the Alleys, where you need to find the key to the gate so you can catch the Subway to the Fairgrounds.

Battle Circle has been re-evented, no corny dialogue with Arithial.

So yeah, basically the entire thing has been gone over and changed. Even the scene after Kumo wakes up.

And I will be editting the scene where Levi 'meets' Kyer and Shadz, though he has met them before in Volume 2 of Cosplay Crisis: School Yard, however no names are mentioned.

Now, to abandon you with some more art D=

Sailor Stars: Princess Kakyuu

sailor stars cosplay - princess kakyuuThe princess of Kinmoku who escaped to earth when Sailor Galaxia attacked, Princess Kakyuu is said to smell of sweet osmanthus, which is the recurring motif of her design. There are different versions with regards to her storyline in the anime and manga, but she is similar to Sailor Moon as she also has her own senshi, the Sailor Starlights.

The cosplayer looks like a doll in this photo. I’m guessing proper make-up and lighting gave that effect. Beautiful work!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cosplay Wig: Anime

Costume Play or Cosplay won't be livelier without the presence of adorable wig and sometimes fancy.
alodia gosiengfiao wig cosplay
Alodia Gosiengfiao

anime wig cosplay
Here are some of popular wigs seen on recently cosplay event.

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Anime Releases 10/27

Here are the releases for today (10/27) at your local Video, Book Stores or the infamous Amazon website in the US. I only review Movies and Box Sets that are coming out as this will get the most bang for your buck. I did "borrow" the summaries from various sites so you can get a brief review of the story.

This kind of a quiet week for sets. My only personal choice is for Shonen Onmyouji Complete Series as I have been watching this. I find the connection between son, father and grandfather a nice one. They all get along and interact well with one another - most of the time. I tried to watch Boogiepop Phantom, but jumped off the train after 4 episodes. The yuri overtones at times is what got me interested, but did not get into it after watching it. I have not catched it yet, but Claymore may be of interest to me. Will have to check out a couple episodes before deciding.

There were 3 adult animes that came out as well: Wife-Swap Diaries, Nurse Me! and Sibling Secret (I think this is a re-release from 2004).

Anthing here on your list of buys this week?


Boogiepop Phantom/Boogiepop and Others Collection
The complete 12-episode TV series, plus the live-action film that serves as its prequel! ive years ago, a string of grisly murders shook the city to its core. Now terror has returned, and this time it has a name: Boogiepop. Everyone knows about Boogiepop: death incarnate, she stalks the night in search of fresh victims. Meet her, and you simply... vanish.

Claymore Complete Collection
A brutal scourge stalks the land. Yoma, monsters driven by a hunger satisfied by only one quarry: Humanity. The dark breed knows but a singular foe: Claymore. Human-Yoma hybrids of extraordinary strength and cunning, the Claymores roam from skirmish to skirmish delivering salvation by the edge of a blade. Thus begins the twisting tale of Clare, one such sister of the sword driven by pain in both victory and defeat.

Little Snow Fairy Sugar Complete Collection 1
Season Fairies create and control the weather using special musical instruments. They make the wind blow, the snow fall, the sun shine; if it's something weather related, they are the ones who make it happen. Sugar, an apprentice Snow Fairy, and her friends Salt and Pepper, all want to become full-fledged Season Fairies, and the only way to achieve this is to search for and find the "Twinkles" that will make their magical flowers bloom.

Popotan Complete Collection
Three sisters journey through time and space in search of the one man who can answer the riddle of their existence. The girls make many new friends along the way, always leaving a smile in their wake.

Shonen Onmyouji Complete Series
Abeno Masahiro is the grandson of the great sorcerer Abeno Seimei. Unfortunately for him, his grandfather did such a great job in the past, he really hasn't had a need to perform any magical duties and as a result, Masahiro lost his sixth sense and the ability to see spirits. One day, a demon drops from the sky and proclaims that Masahiro must continue his grandfather's work and learn to be an Onmyouji regardless of the dangers that await him!

Source: Mania

cat's meow

I want to know something regarding the psychology of leotards on men vs. women:

1. Why is it acceptable in comic books for men to be outfitted in leotards, underwear (on the outside) and masks, when it reality it just translates to a Halloween parade in West Hollywood?
2. ...And when women wear leotards it's extremely sexy, exudes confidence, and mostly in the comic book world, a sense of independence and badass?

We don't need to debate those. But in lieu of Halloween and everyone who has procrastinated with his/her costume, you can wear a leotard and some underwear on the outside, fasten a blanket to your shoulders and dub yourself a superhero.

There is one comic book-turned movie character I had in mind to dress up as last year: Catwoman (the Michelle Pfeiffer one). If you have a leotard, or even just some form of bikini/swim top, and perhaps some wire hangers, you can still get away with half-assing a Halloween costume.

I did a little bit of research on the Catwoman character throughout her years. Did you know her character was inspired by Jean Harlow?

Catwoman in the comics
(Catwoman and all her 2-D incarnations)

The "Catwoman" comic book still runs today (I read a little bit of it--she is just as badass as Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman; you know Halle Berry's character didn't really count...) and throughout her comic book years, Catwoman has gone through 8 outfit changes.

Throughout her television/movie years, she's had a mere 3.


1966-1967 : Julie Newmar
Catwoman, Julie Newmar

1966 (movie) : Lee Meriwether
Catwoman, Lee Meriwether

1967-1968 : Eartha Kitt
Eartha Kitt

What's that? You've got a glittery leotard hiding around in your closet? Affix some black triangles onto a headband, find some black booties and a thick belt: 1960's era Catwoman

1992 : Michelle Pfeiffer

OH, so do you also have a pleather coat hanging out in your wardrobe but don't know what do with it? This outfit would work with the thigh-high boots of this fall season, or just any old knee-high boots.

2004 : Halle Berry
Catwoman, Halle Berry

If you have a swim top that doesn't quite provide enough coverage, then you could be Halle Berry-era catwoman. You can also take this opportunity to shred up some black pants that you aren't too fond of. Though, I actually prefer her outfit on the right: she can stick on a mask and call it a day! Because we all know how impractical it is to fight in a bikini top, leather pants and open-toe booties. ...Where does Catwoman find time to give herself a pedicure?

Catwoman is truly a versatile character--transcending race, hair color, and the times... yes, all of these women transform once they don the catsuit, becoming powerful and strong. This notion is also much too familiar among our favorite style icons: it isn't always about the clothes you are wearing, but how you wear them. (that old cliche)

Well, you've got to be pretty brave to be strutting around in just your leotard, mask or no mask.

Catwoman today: (left - issue #73/January 2008; right - issue #24/December 2003)

Cosplay at CELMANILA 2009: Consumer Electronics Live in Manila

This coming 14th of November 2009 from 4:00PM to 6:00PM, at the World Trade Center, CEL Stage Area will be held the Techno Anime 2009.

The Philippines biggest electronics show is set to take the stage once more as Summit Live mounts the second Consumer Electronics Live (CEL), happening on November 13 to 15, 2009, at the World Trade Center, Halls A to C.


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