We were able to find the FIU campus pretty easily. Finding the convention, well that needed some detective work. We had to stop and get some general directions on where this was being held. After getting some direction to the student section, we saw where it was (Cos-Players sighted). Next adventure was finding parking - ack! Car parked, family unloaded and on the way.
Took a moment to find the Registration table after passing some artists that I have commissioned with at other cons. After registration, we could not for the life of us find the Dealer area. They had a map which I downloaded of the con, but we discovered it was all wrong. As it turned out, the registration tables were actually in a different building than on the map.
After some mass confusion with all the cos-players and students, we finally found everything. My son picked up 3 small Gundams and wife picked up some more pins for her purse, while I got nada. I did find a Queen's Blade Mellona Pink version for $65 and tried to pick it up at $60, but no sale. I was going to go back to get it anyway later, but my wife gave me that look . . . you know the look, so it stayed at the dealer table . . . !@#$%^&*()_*.
It was a pretty hot day and due to the masses, we decide to leave early. I ended up with nothing - no statues and no new artwork. But I do a 20% off coupon for one thing at Tate's Comics. I may get something yet out of all this.
Some suggestions for the next con they have:
- Directions where the Con is location after getting to the Campus for those who do not go to the college. If not that, maybe some signs pointing the way.
- Parking instructions when on campus for those not familiar
- Possible contact number
- If you change the location of the Registration tables, please have updated maps of where everything is.
My Son's Purchase

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