Monday, September 12, 2011

the nightcrawler - part one

It's that time of the year again--plotting for Halloween. Based on my past experiences with working on costumes that appear to be easy but end up being absurdly time-consuming, I decided to start very early this year.

I don't usually sew bodysuits but I mean... c'mon, it's just not the same if you're a superhero and you're not wearing a bodysuit or your underwear on the outside, and my bf wasn't down with the idea of wearing anything suggesting underwear on the outside so we went w/ the below depiction of Nightcrawler.

We were very lucky to be able to find the exact type of spandex we wanted, in the exact colors we wanted, in one store. The spandex we chose was a slightly matte swimwear spandex.

For the piping trim I couldn't find the exact shade of yellow, so I bought a white piece of piping (content is unknown) to dye and see if this trim will absorb the color. If not I'll have to make the piping by hand T_T

I will be doing all the sewing in this project (hellooooo overlock machine~) and other than the bodysuit itself the only other thing we have to make is the tail. I'm not making that :D

I need to finish this project before October so I can start my own costume....

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