Tuesday, September 6, 2011

late but lucky, return to wonderland

If you want to see more photos and a pretty damn detailed run-through of what people do at PAX, go to my friend Collin's blog, asiandoood.com. He did a great job of doing his convention write-up. Here I will shamelessly post pictures of my cosplay.

Thanks Jesse for the photos!

I didn't get the make the Omega pendant :( I will have the opportunity to sculpt it soon as I am planning another Alice: Madness Returns cosplay! But of course! Not sure if you can tell in the photos but I am wearing pink contacts. The pocketwatch I ordered from eBay for $11. Win again.

This was the most comfortable costume ever and I didn't have to worry about any of my body parts accidentally flashing anyone, hallelujah!

And thank you to the one person who recognized me, you are awesome.

I would also like to thank my friend Jesse for housing me and showing me around Seattle, buying spray primer, letting me use up all your black spray paint and feeding me spam musubi at 3am while I finished up my cosplay.

Some photos from PAX!

Really good Femshep cosplay + Destructoid head haha 


I still remember this arcade game, it ate all my tokens but it was so much fun 


Another one of my favorite games from my childhood, I need to be more skilled in fps games though, I suck 

I'm a huge fan of the Bioshock series so I cannot wait for Bioshock Infinite!!! 


X-Com area, this wax sculpt was shockingly REAL 


Firefall greeted us at Registration, not gonna lie, we kinda hated on it because it looked like Gears of War so much but it wasn't the same at all. 

Castle Crashers tee. Wearing it now. It's my pajama shirt....

And... a really goofy pic taken at the Ubisoft booth promoting Assassin's Creed: Revelations

I suppose the official photoshoot pictures for this costume will be up much later, as I want to do the shoot with some props that I am working on at the moment.

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