When i received the lenses they were in a small
box like this
Inside the were two little bottles with lenses in them, you have to be really careful when taking them out. NOTE: you do NOT get a free lens case or solution with purchase of these lenses!
The color of these lenses is very bright and I would say it would cover up even dark eyes. I have green eyes and it covered up the green completely. They don't look natural with no make-up. The first time i got them I thought they looked freaky in my eye and so did I. Then I added some make-up and it looked better :)
I would strongly recommend wearing make-up with these.
This is how the contact looks in the eye with flash. As you can see it is very bright. If you look closely you can see the pattern of the lens, unfortunately i couldn't take a picture of the lens by itself because of my crap camera :D Anyways the pattern is squiggly blue lines going into the middle. This allows some of your natural color show through :)
COMFORT : 7/10
It took my eyes quite a while to get used to these lenses :'(, they were very uncomfortable at the beginning, they kept moving every time I blinked, I was aware of them the whole time I had them in. After few times of wearing them (and I mean few hours not minutes) they finally settled and stopped moving but I was still aware of them. While wearing them my vision was a bit blurred and I could see the blue, but I got used to it after a while :L The good side of this was they didn't irritate my eyes- they didn't hurt or water all the time or at all.
DESIGN : 8/10
The design was very interesting, from far away it looked like it covered the whole eye, but close up it did show some of the natural color of my eye. Personally I think the color was too bright and sometimes I looked freaky wearing them -_-'
OVERALL : 8/10
Overall I was happy with them and the only downs of these lenses was the discomfort and brightness of the color. Also the thing that disappointed me a bit was that there wasn't a case to go with the lenses. I wouldn't recommend these lenses to people who look for a very natural look, but I would recommend it to people who aren't afraid of bright colors <--- doesn't make sense, but you know what I mean :D NOTE: They are for 90 wears not days !
Before I finish 2 more pictures of the whole face with the lenses :D They were both taken in morning light ;D You can see how the make-up makes it look better and less freaky ;)
Love Ola <3
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