Thursday, March 17, 2011

Welcome a Guest Writer to the Blog ~ DC

I have always had an open invitation to anyone who wanted to be blogged here about themselves and what they cosplay. I have my first email from someone a couple days ago that wanted me to do a quick write up and spread the word for them. He has also offered to do some reporting on Cons and had some ideas as a guest blogger here. So you may be seeing more of DC in the weeks to come :)

Without further a-do, let get to the interview:

"What is your name and location?"

David C Rushton AKA: "Priest of Tao"
San Diego, Calif., USA

"What cause you to "Cosplay"?

Beginning at my first San Diego Comic of 2002 I was exposed to Cosplay.(the exception to that was back in my biker days riding to see at MIDNIGHT, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" I do a GREAT MEATLOAF) Each year until 2007 I never thought I would dress in a "Cosplay" costume. What Character, what series? It hit in 2007.

"What Characters have you "Cosplayed?"

In 2007, I decided on a "Historical" interpretation of the costume of a "Japanese Taoist Priest", 14th century EDO period Japan. My Priest of Tao, MK 1. After that year, a idea grew in my mind. It began with a "Bleach Soul Reaper Captain's Uniform". Then the idea of something from "Inuyasha", Priest Costume.

THEN, I asked myself: "Why not designed my own "Character + Costume"? A bit from many Anime Series combined into: "The Priest of Tao, MK 2", My standard Cosplay" uniform/costume. Each year a slight up-grades/changes. (MK 2 & MK 4). The MK 4 Priest of Tao is suitable for many Anime Series.

A "Harry Potter Wizard" group photo was being taken once as I was walking by. A Harry Potter cosplayer stopped me. "Good Wizard.", he addressed me, "Would you be so kind to join our gathering of Wizards? And how shall we properly address thee? Thy name please?"
In my standard "CONSTIPATED CONAN WIZARD" voice I answered: "I am The Priest of Tao." Then in a Jewish style of Mel Brooks: "OY! For you, call me the wizard, The Wizard of Tao!" The place died laughing! and that is WHAT I LIVE FOR!

"What conventions or shows have you Cosplayed at?"

So far only the San Diego Comic Cons. But I will soon be branching out to a few around the Southern Calif. area where I can drive to.

"For any aspiring cosplayers a little shy, what words of wisdom do you have?"

I must quote, NO! I SING! I sing that song from "THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW" ~ "Don't Dream It, BE IT!"

"What do you do when not cosplaying?"

I am a 100% Disabled Veteran of Viet Nam, as I received it in 2001. Worked as a crew chief on B-52 D's. AKA: "The BUFF", Worked for 25 years in the aircraft industries, and Navy aircraft. I found my "writer's voice in 2001. Now fully retired, I' m free from working, and can LIVE + DO what a writer of "Hard Science Fiction", does best. CREATE!

Here are some more awesome pictures that were also sent along for your enjoyment.

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