With Christmas coming soon, this was not actually next weeks issue (that arrived on Tuesday), but the one after, covering the 4th to 10th December.
Part of the features in that will be inevitable coverage of the Doctor Who Christmas Special, and it’s accompanied by a nice festive portrait of Matt in costume.
As far as I am aware, this is one of the clearest photos I have seen to date, showing the refreshed costume (the paparazzi photo taken during filming were distant and blurred, and official stills to date have been equally unclear).

You can download a high res version of the cover here:
And while we are about it, being a steadfast Radio Times reader I have never given TV & Satellite Week a second glance, but they have run some cracking Doctor Who covers for the new series (see below).
26th June - 2nd July 2010All the covers for these issues are using top resolution images, which have been somewhat enhanced with sharpness and contrast.
Some, like this one, look to have been un-nesecarily messed around with.
Notice matt is wearing the blue Paul Smith shirt, with the burgundy bow tie!
But if you look closer, it has the texture of the blue one – it has been retouched to burgundy – for no good reason whatsoever!
24th - 30th April 2010
Though this is quite a nice shot of Matt in costume, it is not the correct image for this episode! (Time Of Angels, Flesh & Stone)
He is wearing the Donegal version, not the Mackenzie two-by-two dogstooth as actually seen.
3rd - 9th April 2010
Another nice, if again somewhat over enhanced image.
This time he is wearing the Mackenzie two-by-two dogstooth jacket – but alas it is again not for this week’s episode (The Eleventh Hour).
19th Dec 2009 - 1st Jan 2010
A nice shot of David Tennant – annoying that the text covers the tie otherwise we would have a really good detail shot of the pattern!
Never mind :(
28th Nov - 4th Dec 2009This is a good example of excessive post shoot manipulation.
The pinstripes on the suit have been played around with too much and are now a bit removed from their correct colour. The 19th December issue (see above) is a more accurate representation of their true hue.
14th - 20th Nov 2009
Again, pity (for us) about the placement of the text, otherwise we’d have another good reference picture for the tie!
4th - 10th July 2009
Thought I would put these two Torchwood covers in as well, partly to share the nice detail of the buttons on Jack’s coat – but also to show the work John Barrowman has had done on his face!
No-one looks like that in real life!
23rd - 29th May 2009
Jack’s face is way less retouched on this cover compared to the one above – but there has still been a lot of magic wand work done here!
11th - 17th April 2009
I get the feel not everything in this cover was together in the same place at the same time . . .
6th - 12th Dec 2008
Quite a crowded cover this one. Only person missing is Rosetta.
21st - 27th June 2008
Billy Piper’s had work done . . .
26th April - 2nd May 2008. . . . and so has Freema!
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