Friday, July 16, 2010

wind wizardry (zephie), around the neck

I try to make my costumes as functional as possible, and to resemble actual clothing as closely as possible--meaning, you can actually wear these armbands, the choker is actually a piece of jewelry with a proper clasp at the back, you can actually wear the shoes... the costume doesn't look cheap... etc.

So here's the choker--a small detail that I won't leave out. I couldn't buy a scrap of python-embossed patent leather, so I just used the leather I had. It kills me inside to not be able to match this perfectly, but I only have 8 days left, so... red matte leather it is. I needed something thin enough to sandwich between the leather and vinyl backing, so I cut the charm out of vinyl and painted it gold. This was glued to the leather piece, and I cut a thin brown edging that was also glued to the top of the leather. All the edges were finished with leather. I used tacky glue and kept a damp towel nearby to clean up any glue residue. I finished the closure with a larger ribbon end, which was then painted gold in the same way I did the belt for the Xianghua costume.

Added the stud after finishing the edges of both sides.

Back detail - notice how I still have to do some trimming on the edges....

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