This time we find a little Princess that is visiting the city for the first time. She gets to see a Basquash battle in the distance.

We see Dan still getting bounded by the Destroy balls being thrown by a mysterious player. He tries to find him, but ends up being an open target instead. This is a delight for Sela Miranda as now she can try to get him herself. She watches Dan get hit by ball after ball and figures out where this person is.

But alas she goes down as well and both of them are down for the count - LOL,

So they get back the bus to have their units repaired and have dinner. As they are eating, Dan finds out that he is already getting bad press on his loss. We see Dan over react and want to get revenge. Poor Sela is left to go home by herself and encounters some guys that are not too nice, but she takes care of the issue herself. She ends up meeting the Iceman. She decides to try to beat him, but is way outmatched. He only battle in Bigfoot basketball.

We see the next day where they are dedicating a statue for the day that Dunk Master (Dan) destroyed the arena. You see the Princess again at this dedication looking in awe at the statue. She is also very sensitive and senses that something bad is about to happen. What happens next amazes everyone - the statue is destroyed and a note is left on the ball for Dunk Master.

Dan fights frantically to get his sister out, but she ignores him. He then sees the destruction caused by Destoy Guy (who is Iceman). Then everyone discusses what happened and what to do next about everything. They decide upon an idea to smoke him out with a fake Dunk Master - which works easily.

Both Dan and Sela get him in their spotlights. Dan and Sela offers him a rematch to see who is the best. So off to play Street Basketball. We then see the Princess on her balcony feeling the change in the air and the impending battle. We watch one heck of a street game and they are filming it. The whole city comes out to watch as well - including the police. So the game over and the city goes back to sleep.

The next day they get a visit from a mysterious lady that wants to be their Producer Her name is Haruka Gracia and she has a huge "Lunar Bust" - wow!

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